A dispassionate observer would conclude that the increasing volatility of climate is equivalent to an immune response in the human body, if considered that Earth is a largely biological organism. Our inability to think of, and treat Earth, as a living, breathing biological entity is now at the root of our widening reality of an increasingly hostile planet.

Be that as it may, the insistence of the masses on attempting to enforce the collective delusion that this lifestyle is sustainable remains the persistent symptom of an intelligent species suffering from a psychotic break with reality.

But the reality – the immune response of the Earth in the form of climate volatility, atmospheric rivers, strengthening hurricanes, extreme temperatures- is of a profoundly more sustainable nature than even the wanton consumption of Earth by its most destructive parasite. Earth will morph into something inhospitable to humans, just because humans continue to demonstrate a lack of respect for their biological host.

While we continue to allow the ultra-charlatans of our species to lead the world into ever accelerating cycles of resource destruction and ecological systemic collapse under the guise of government, law and commerce, the organism Earth has a far greater propensity to endure the changes our species inflicts on its ecology until that species is eradicated, at which point it can recover anew.

After we’re gone.

Meanwhile, in Los Angeles County, people are evacuating by the tens of thousands.

Where are they going? What are they going to do when they get wherever that ends up being?

We hear people proclaiming the intention to rebuild, but the damage to infrastructure is so great in such a broad populated area, that it will require a long period of infrastructure restoration and redesign before people will be allowed back in to rebuild anything.

Most of them, after a period of shock and then acceptance, will seek to mitigate the psychological damage of having your home destroyed by nature by getting their lives “back to normal” as much and as quickly as is possible.

Ever creatures of habitual comfort, humans will do everything to resume the lifestyle to which they have been accustomed (and to which they feel entitled), while doing absolutely nothing to understand how their destroyed homes are connected to their complacency with the parasitic ablation of Earth’s surface and systems.

Its yet more proof of how economics the science is actually a laughable, ridiculous, self-important caricature of real science, and a even a legitimate system of thought.

For students of Real Economics, the opportunity in this most destructive fire is to correlate the catalysts of the fire (overpopulation, over-development, ecological degradation, CO2 levels and their effect on rainfall patterns and drought) and consider what Real Economic policies can be developed that will mitigate these outcomes if we somehow manage to emerge from this period of convergent ecological systemic failures with a much diminished population to take another shot at what we call civilization.

About the Author

James West is the founder of the Real Economic Society and author of the Real Economist. He is an unaccredited ecologist, economist, and organic regenerative farmer seeking to reorient the values of humanity toward a rehabilitative and symbiotic mode of existence on Earth.

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