Most industrial mono-cropping farmers fail to grasp the extent to which they are an exit strategy for shareholders of Big Oil companies.

From the annually increased size of their diesel guzzling soil degrading tractors to the millions of gallons of petroleum-based chemicals they spray, they are as captive to the petroleum industry as fish are to water.

Never mind the additional boost of the chemical laden fruit and vegetables and grains driving countless generations of conventional food consumers to become pharmaceutical industry power users as they advance through various stages of chronic diseases caused by such toxic food.

My neighbour is a 60 acre piece of land that has been mono-cropped to produce usually alternating corn and soybeans though I was surprised to see that this year, it was barley.

I have convinced myself that this neighbour has been considerate in spraying whatever brand of fungicide, herbicide, pesticide or fertilizer when the wind is blowing away from my organic regenerative garden. Until this past week, that is, when they blasted sludge from what is either animal slurry or slurry from the county waste treatment plant.

I’m leaning toward treatment plant because the stench that wafted over us for the rest of that day and the next smelled almost like a fabric softener sheet with that thick cloying synthetic syrupy odour that smells like laundrey detergent mixed with poo and perfume.

It got me thinking about the back-to-back hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico that have changed so many people’s lives forever, and the outbreak of H5N1 that is quickly spooling up into a potential pandemic. And how despite these planetary-scale indicators of overpopulation triggering the celestial organism called Earth’s immune response system, there is almost zero transformation of behavioural patterns in the disproportionately represented human species.

We see clearly now – or some do – how the government and media institutions called Education, News and Entertainment are actually oligarchical institutions of indoctrination designed and maintained to assure the continuation of the value system it enforces that drives consumeristic resource waste and consumption. We see that there is zero chance of rehabilitating these institutions because they are held captive, just as the farmers are, to the overcapitalized elite geopolitical ruling class who are actually the most ignorant humans alive yet who nonetheless we entrust with our leadership.

It is almost laughable to expect such leadership and the systems of government and democracy to generate an appropriate response of a species on the verge of annihilation that deems itself intelligent – even “advanced” intelligent. Or it would be laughable were it not so utterly tragic.

This arrival at the realization that as a species, we are actually defective in our ability to evolve selectively according to rational observation and deduction of our natural environment, and doomed to fail because the evolved intellects who canperceive these realities and pathways to rehabilitation are sidelined as conspiracy theorists, has caused me to reconsider the intent with which the process of evolution perpetuates life.

In discerning certain patterns within the physical world of our planet and the broader universe, we can deduce certain intents as likely.

For example, we see by the example of every living thing that there is, above all other values, the priority of sustained population through procreation. The seeds of all things are contained within the thing itself.

Therefore, an intent of the universe is that the life force, in whatever special form, continues.

We can furthermore deduce that every living thing has a lifespan, and so it must undertake its procreative strategy during that lifespan, in order that procreation can occur. So the idea of lifespan, or finite duration of an expressed form of life, suggests the intent of the universe that the temporary nature of each individual’s life span demonstrates the intent inherent in all things being temporary.

So even if we were to willfully evolve the behaviour of humanity into a maximum sustainable collective behaviour, all that would accomplish, on the eonic time scale, is a broadening of the possible range of the existence of Earth in its current biologically lush configuration.

But the temporary nature of Earth and its biosphere is inherently demonstrated as an intention of the universe.

Thus I conclude that, rather than seek to realign the collective behaviour of humanity toward maximum possible duration of the species through rehabilitative and ecologically nutritive modes of living, we should instead observe the intention of the universe, and arrive at a different conclusion.

Namely, that the common building block of life forms – DNA – is the product we are here to produce to a maximum density, only to populate, suffocate and obliterate the biosphere in preparation for a collision with an as yet undetermined other celestial body that will effectively scatter the amassed DNA of this existence upon the cosmic winds to drift through space and time until it encounters another perfectly placed orb with all the elements to allow the DNA to colonize the water supply and start the whole process over.

Considering the vastness and limitless nature of time and space in the universe, and coupled with the potentiality that there are just as infinite a number of other universi unfolding in separate yet parallel time dimensions, it would seem unreasonable to arrive see this life perpetuating strategy as an obvious intention of the universe.

In which case, our behaviour toward the planet and our thus abbreviated time here as the dominant intellectual species is not really an existential problem so much as it is an unfortunate missed opportunity to extend the scale of intelligence we could have embedded in our DNA for our next sporulation of the universe.

This worldview allows me to transform the sorrow of contemplating our squandered ecological abundance into an optimistic acceptance of these limitations on our durations, knowing that we are thus perpetual as a species.

What do you think?

About the Author

James West is the founder of the Real Economic Society and author of the Real Economist. He is an unaccredited ecologist, economist, and organic regenerative farmer seeking to reorient the values of humanity toward a rehabilitative and symbiotic mode of existence on Earth.

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